Appellate Division
OSPD’s Appellate Division combines commitment to client-centered representation and expertise in complex appellate cases, both capital and non-capital.
people on death row in California. The largest in the Western Hemisphere.
of all First Degree murder cases in California are “Death eligible”. The broadest law in the nation.
out of 58 California counties are responsible for 89% of Death Sentences
Capital Litigation
OSPD‘s capital litigation attorneys advocate for justice on behalf of death sentenced clients across California, primarily through direct appeal to the California Supreme Court. OSPD attorneys strive to provide the highest quality, client-centered representation while sharing their expertise and knowledge with other practitioners in this critical area of the criminal justice system.

Systemic Litigation
The systemic litigation program works with partner agencies and organizations to raise issues that broadly impact death penalty cases in California.
Amicus Program
Since 2020, OSPD has had a dedicated program to offer amicus support in criminal cases of statewide concern, advancing OSPD’s mission to make the criminal legal system more fair and less punitive. OSPD has filed influential amicus briefs in cases involving felony murder resentencing, reform of gang enhancements, and the Racial Justice Act. OSPD also coordinates amicus strategy with other partners. Our goal is to ensure that, in cases with broad implications for the criminal legal system, courts have a range of excellent briefing to assist in their decision making.

Non-Capital Litigation
The Non-Capital Litigation Program represents clients in post-conviction proceedings throughout the state, primarily on appeal and habeas corpus. The program is designed to develop the skills of OSPD attorneys, provide the highest level of representation, and advance the law in areas of concern.